# fastnotes("how random forest work")
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"how gradient accumulation work") fastnbs(
how does gradient accumulation work under the hood
For instance, here’s a basic example of a single epoch of a training loop without gradient accumulation:
for x,y in dl:
calc_loss(coeffs, x, y).backward()* lr)
coeffs.data.sub_(coeffs.grad coeffs.grad.zero_()
Here’s the same thing, but with gradient accumulation added (assuming a target effective batch size of 64):
= 0 # track count of items seen since last weight update
count for x,y in dl:
+= len(x) # update count based on this minibatch size
calc_loss(coeffs, x, y).backward()if count>64: # count is greater than accumulation target, so do weight update
* lr)
coeffs.grad.zero_()=0 # reset count count
The full implementation in fastai is only a few lines of code – here’s the source code.
To see the impact of gradient accumulation, consider this small model:
'convnext_small_in22k', 128, epochs=1, accum=1, finetune=False) train(
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## Introduction
### why ensemble of decision trees, such as Random Forests and Gradient Boosting Machines
### how to set print options for numpy and import `fastai.imports`
## Data preprocessing
### how to get Titanic dataset ready for creating a decision tree model
## Binary splits
### what is binary splits and who does it work
### how to plot barplot and countplot with Seaborn
### Create a simplest model based on binary split
### how to do train and test split using `sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split`
### how to access dependent and independent values for both training set and test set
### calc the prediction (the simplest so far)
### calc loss with mean absolute error using `sklearn.metrics.mean_absolute_error`
### how to do binary split on a continuous column rather than category column
### how to plot a boxenplot on survival and non-survival using `sns.logFare` column; how to a density plot with logFare using `sns.kdeplot`
### how to find the binary split to calc predictions based on logFare using the boxenplot above
### see how good is this model and prediction using loss (mean absolute error)
### how does impurity measure the goodness of a split; how to create impurity as a measure for how good of a split
### how to create a score function for a single side of the split
### how to create the score function to measure the goodness of a binary split
### calc the impurity score for sex split and then logFare split
### how to make interactive on choose different split and calc score on continuous columns
### how to make interactive on choose different split and calc score on categorical columns
### how to make a list of all possible split points
### how to get the score for all possible splits of a particular column like Age; how to get the index for the lowest core
### how to write a function to return the best split value and its score on a particular column given the dataframe and the name of the column
### how to run this function on all columns of the dataset
### what is OneR classifier; why should it be a baseline to more sophisiticated models
## Creating a decision tree
### how is to do better than a OneR classifier which predict survival using sex? how about doing another OneR upon the first OneR classifier result (male group and female group)
### how to get the dataset splitted by sex in pandas dataframe
### how to find the best binary splits and score out of all columns in male dataset and then femal dataset
### what does a decision tree mean when the second binary split is done here
### how to do a decision tree automatically using sklearn
### how to visualize the decision tree above
## how is gini different from impurity
### how to cacl gini
### how to wrap the process of preparing submission csv file for kaggle
### why no need to worry about dummy variables in decision trees
## The random forest
### what is random forest; what is bagging; what is the great insight behind it
### how to create uncorrelated trees using random subset of data
### how to make prediciton on each tree and take average on them, and then calc the loss
### how is sklearn's RandomForestClassifier differ from the forest from scratch above; how to do random forest with sklearn
## Conclusion
### how should we think of simple models like OneR and decision tree and randomforest
## Fitting a function with *gradient descent*
### Is neuralnet just a math function? what does the function look like?
### why neuralnet is random at first and how to make neuralnet useful
### `plot_function`: how to plot a function with plt; how to create x input with torch.linspace; how to plot x, y, color and title with plt;
### how to create a particular quadratic function
### how to write a function `quad` to create any quadratic function
### how does `partial` and `quad` work to modify `quad` to a slightly different func?
### how to add noise to both mult and add of the neuralnet/function; how to create noise using `np.random.normal`
### how to create a random seed to ensure x and y are the same each run
## A numpy book recommended by Jeremy; what is a tensor
### how to scatterplot with plt
### how to plot a scatterplot and a line and slides for 3 params of the line func
### why need a loss function? how to write a mean absolute error function with torch.abs and mean
### how display and change loss by changing values of params with sliders of interactive plot
### A 15-min calculus video series recommended by Jeremy to watch first
## Automating gradient descent
### how derivatives automatically guide params to change for a lower loss
### how to create a mean absolute error function on any quadratic model
### how to create an random tensor with 3 values as initialized params
### how to calc gradients of params? 1. tell PyTorch to get ready for calculating gradients for these params; 2. calc loss; 3. calc the gradients with `loss.backward()`; 4. how to access params' gradients;
### how to change params with gradients properly to lower loss¶
### why `with torch.no_grad():` when updating params with gradients
### how to do 10 iterations of updating params with gradients
## How a neural network approximates any given function
## how to combine a linear func with max(x, 0) into a rectified linear function; how to use torch.clip(y, 0.) to perform max(y, 0.)
## how to use partial to wrap rectified_linear to create a specific rectified_linear func
## how to use `F.relu` to replace `torch.clip` to create a rectified linear func;
### create double and quaduple relu func/neuralnet
## How to recognise an owl
### deep learning basically is drawing squiggly lines infinitely given computation and time
## Useful Course sites
## How to use autoreload
## How to install and update libraries
## Know a little about the libraries
### what is fastai
### what is duckduckgo
## How to use fastdebug with fastai notebooks
### how to use fastdebug
### Did I document it in a notebook before?
### Did I document it in a src before?
## how to search and get a url of an image; how to download with an url; how to view an image;
### how to create folders using path; how to search and download images in folders; how to resize images
## Train my model
### How to find and unlink images not properly downloaded
### How to create a DataLoaders with DataBlock; how to view data with it
### How to build my model with dataloaders and pretrained model; how to train my model
### How to predict with my model; how to avoid running cells in nbdev_prepare
## Introduction and set up
### what are the benefits of using fastai and PyTorch frameworks
### which fastai module is for tabular data; how to set float format display for pandas; how to set random seed;
## Prep the data
### no worry of dummy variables, normalization, missing values and so on if using fastai; interesting feature ideas from a nice Titanic feature notebook;
### how to create a tabular dataloaders with `TabularPandas` which handles all messing processing; how to set the parameters of `TabularPandas`
## Train the model
### how to create a tabular learner using tabular dataloader, metrics and layers
### how to find the learning rate automatically in fastai
### how to pick the best learning rate from the learning rate curve; how to train model 16 epochs using `learn.fit`
## Submit to Kaggle
### how to prepare test data including added new features
### how to apply all the processing steps of training data to test data with `learn.dls.test_dl`
### how to calc all predictions for test set using `learn.get_preds`
### how to prepare the results of test set into a csv file for kaggle submission; how to save into csv file without idx number
## Ensembling
### what is ensembling and why it is more robust than any single model
### how to create an ensemble function to create multiple models and generate predictions from each of them
### how to get the average predictions from all ensembed models
### how to create the csv file to Titanic competition
## Final thoughts
### Why you should use a framework like fastai
## Memory and gradient accumulation
### how to get the train_val dataset folder/path ready; how to get the test set images files ready
### how to quickly train an ensemble of larger models with larger inputs on Kaggle
### how to find out the num of files in each disease class using `pandas.value_counts`
### how to choose a data folder which has the least num of image files for training
### how `fine_tune` differ from `fit_one_cycle`
### how to create a `train` function to do either fine_tune + tta or fit_one_cycle for all layers without freezing; how to add `gradient accumulation` to `train`
### what does gradient accumulation do?
### What benefits does gradient accumulation bring
### how does gradient accumulation work under the hood
### how to find out how much gpu memory is used; and how to free up the gpu memory
## Checking memory use
### how to check the gpu memory usage of large models with large image inputs
## Running the models
### how to use a dictionary to organize all models and their item and batch transformation setups
### how to train all the selected models with transformation setups and save the tta results into a list
## Ensembling
### how to save all the tta results (a list) into a pickle file
### how to get all the predictions from a list of results in which each result contains a prediction and a target for each row of test set
### why and how to double the weights for vit models in the ensembles
### what is the simplest way of doing ensembling
### how to all the classes or vocab of the dataset using dataloaders; how to prepare the csv for kaggle submission
### how to submit to kaggle using fastkaggle api
## Conclusion
### how fastai can superbly simply the codes and standardize processes
### how to install fastkaggle if not available
### how to iterate like a grandmaster
### what are the related walkthrus on paddy doctor competition
## Getting set up
### how to setup for fastkaggle; how to use fastkaggle to download dataset from kaggle; how to access the path
### which fastai module to use for vision problem; how to check files inside the dataset path; why Jeremy recommend not to use seed in your own analysis;
## Looking at the data
### how to access a subfolder by name using path from `setup_comp`; how to extract all image files from a folder
### how to create an image from an image file; how to access the size of an image; how to display it with specified size for viewing
### how to use `fastcore.parallel` to quickly access size of all images; how to count the occurance of each unique value in a pandas
### how to create an image dataloaders; how to setup `item_tfms` and `batch_tfms` on image sizes; why to start with the smallest sizes first; how to display images in batch
## Our first model
### how to pick the first pretrained model for our model; how to build our model based on the selected pretrained model
### how to find the learning rate for our model
## Submitting to Kaggle
### how to check the kaggle submission sample csv file
### how to sort the files in the test set in the alphabetical order; how to create dataloaders for the test set based on the dataloaders of the training set
### how to make predictions for all test set; and what does `learn.get_preds` return
### how to access all the classes of labels with dataloaders
### how to map classes to each idx from the predictions
### how to save result into csv file
### how to submit to kaggle with fastkaggle api
## Conclusion
### what is the most important thing for your first model
## Addendum
### how to quickly push your local notebook to become kaggle notebook online
## Going faster
### why kaggle gpu is much slower for training and how does fastai to fix it with `resize_images`
### how to create a new folder with `Path`
### how to resize all images (including those in subfolders) of `train_images` folder and save them into a new destination folder; max_size = 256 does shrink the total size by 4+, but question: how Jeremy pick 256 not 250;
### how to create an image dataloaders using the resized image folder and specify the resize for each image item; how to display just 3 images in a batch
### how to wrap dataloaders creation, model creation, fine tuning together in a func `train` and return the trained model; how use model architecture, item transforms, and batch transforms, and num of epochs as the params of the `train` function;
## A ConvNeXt model
### How to tell whether a larger pretrained model would affect our training speed by reading GPU and CPU usage bar? why to pick convnext_small for our second model;
### how to load and use a new pretrained model in fastai
## Preprocessing experiments
### question: why trying different ways of cutting images could possibly improve model performance; what are the proper options for cutting images or preparing images
### how to try cutting image with `crop` instead of `squish`
### what is transform image with padding and how does it differ from squish and crop
### question: how `resize(256, 192)` and `size(171, 128)` are determined
## Test time augmentation
### how does test time augmentation TTA work; question: what is the rationale behind TTA
### how to check the performance of our model on validation set
### how to display the transformations which have been done to a single image in the training set
### how to do TTA on validation set
### how to calc the error rate of the tta_preds
## Scaling up
### how to scale up on the model using padding and the tta approach in terms of image size and epoch number
### how to check the performance of the scaled up model using validation set
## Submission
### how to use TTA to predict instead of the usual `get_preds` to get predictions on the test set
### how to get the index of the predictions
### how to replace index with vocab or classes
### how to submit prediction csv to kaggle with comment using fastkaggle api
### how to push local notebook to Kaggle online
## Conclusion
## what to import to handle vision problems in fastai
## how to download and decompress datasets prepared by fastai
## how to tell it is a cat by reading filename
## how to create dataloaders with `from_name_func`
## how to create a pretrained model with resnet18 and error_rate; how to fine tune it 3 epochs
## how to export model to a pickle file and download it from Kaggle
## how to convert ipynb to md
## how to not execute the entire notebook
## Introduction
## How to download kaggle dataset to your local machine or colab? how to ues kaggle api and zipfile to download data into specified folder; how to use `pathlib.Path` to create a path;
## how to set the print display option for numpy, torch and pandas
## Cleaning the data
### how to read csv file with pandas and `path/'subfolder_name'`
### why missing value is a problem? how to find out the num of missing values of each column with pandas?
### which value is most used to replace missing value? how to get mode for each column with pandas using `iloc[0]`
### how to use pandas `iloc` function
### how to fill missing values with mode without making a new copy with `pandas.fillna`
### how to get a quick summary of all the numeric columns with pandas and numpy
### what is long-tailed data in histogram and why it is a problem for neuralnet
### how to plot histogram with pandas on a single column
### how to fix long-tailed data with logarithm; why should logarithm work; how to handle zero values when applying logarithm
### how to get a quick summary of all the non-numeric columns with pandas
### when do we need dummy variables and how to create dummy variables with pandas
### how to check the first few rows of selected columns with pandas
### how to create dependent/target variable and independent/predictor variables in PyTorch tensors; how to create variables in tensor from pandas dataframe
### how to check the size (rows and columns) of independent variables in tensor
## Setting up a linear model
### how to create coefficients for each (column) of our independent variables; how to get random seed in torch; how to get the num of columns; how to create random number between -0.5 and 0.5;
### why no bias or a constant is needed for this Titanic dataset?
### why a column `Age` having higher values than other columns can cause problem for our model; how to solve this problem by making them the same scale; how to get the max value of each column with pandas dataframe max func
### what is maxtrix by vector operation (multiply or divide)
### How to calculate the prediction of a linear model
### how to look at the first 10 values of predictions
### how to calc mean absolute error
### how to calc predictions with a func `calc_preds`; how to calc loss with a func `calc_loss`
## Doing a gradient descent step
### How to cacl gradients for coefficients
### why set gradients to zero after each gradient descent step; how to set gradient to zero; how to do one iteration of training
### what does _ mean for `coeffs.sub_()` and `grad.zero_()`
## Training the linear model
### how to split the dataset by using train and valid idx produced by `fastai.data.transforms.RandomSplitter`
### how to udpate coefficients in a function `update_coeffs`
### how to do one epoch training in a function `one_epoch`
### how to initializing coefficients in a function `init_coeffs`
### how to integrate funcs above to form a function `train_model` on multiple epochs
### how to display coefficients of the model with func `show_coeffs`
## Measuring accuracy
### There are many possible loss options such as accuracy other than mean absolute error
### how to calc accuracy for the binary dependent variable
### how to wrap the process of calc accuracy using coeffs into a func `acc(coeffs)`
## Using sigmoid
### when will we be needing something like sigmoid
### how to write and plot a func like `sigmoid` using sympy
### how to update `calc_preds` by wrapping `torch.sigmoid` around prediction
## Submitting to Kaggle
### read test data using `pandas.read_csv`
### why and how to fill the missing value in Fare column with 0 instead of mode
### how to handle missing values, long-tailed distribution and dummies together for test data
### how to turn independent variable values into tensor
### how to make sure independent variable in test data share the same value scare with those in training data
### how to turn true or false into 1 or 0 and save them into a column
### how to select two columns of a dataframe and save them into a csv file using `to_csv`
### how to check the first few lines of the csv file using `!head`
## Using matrix product
### how to do matrix product `@` between a matrix and a vector with PyTorch; how to use `@` instead of doing multiplication and then addition together
### update `calc_preds` func using matrix multiplication `@`
### how to initialize coeffs and turn it into a matrix with a single column; question: but why make coeffs between 0 and 0.1 instead of -0.5 and 0.5
### how to turn a single column of dependent variable into a single column matrix or a column vector
### question: why set learning rate to be 100 for this Titanic model
## A neural network
### how to initialize coeffs for a neuralnet with two layers (including a hidden layer of n neurons) and the final output layer is a single neuron with a single coeff; question: how do `-0.5` and `-0.3` come from?
### how to update `calc_preds` for this 2 layer neuralnet using `F.relu`, matrix product `@`, and `torch.sigmoid`
### how to update coeffs layer by layer with `layer.sub_` and `layer.grad.zero_`
### question: how the learning rate is chosen (1.4 or 20) when training
## Deep learning
### how to move from neuralnet with one hidden layer to a deep learning
### why so many messy constants and how they block the progress of deep learning in the early days
### how to use `enumerate` to loop both idx and item
## Final thoughts
### How much similar or different between practical models and the models from scratch above
## timm
## how to git clone TIMM analysis data; how to enter a directory with %cd
## how to read a csv file with pandas
## how to merge data with pandas; how to create new column with pandas; how to string extract with regex expression; how to select columns up to a particular column with pandas; how to do loc in pandas; how to select a group of columns using str.contains and regex
## Inference results
### how to scatterplot with plotly.express; how to set the plot's width, height, size, title, x, y, log_x, color, hover_name, hover_data;
### how to scatterplot on a subgroup of data using regex and plotly
## Training results
### convert ipynb to md
Search notes
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can search but very rough at the moment, and the notes need a lot of rewrite.