from exp.nb_00 import *
import operator
def test(a,b,cmp,cname=None):
if cname is None: cname=cmp.__name__
assert cmp(a,b),f"{cname}:\n{a}\n{b}"
def test_eq(a,b): test(a,b,operator.eq,'==')
Matrix multiplication from foundations
The foundations we’ll assume throughout this course are:
- Python
- Python modules (non-DL)
- pytorch indexable tensor, and tensor creation (including RNGs - random number generators)
- fastai.datasets
Check imports
31:11 - how to build a test framework using the source code of test
, test_eq
, and run tests for all notebooks (fastforward to 2022, we have the test source code in fastcore.test nbdev_test
to run tests for all notebooks) 35:23 - why it is great to have a unit testing with jupyter
'test') test_eq(TEST,
# To run tests in console:
# ! python run_notebook.py 01_matmul.ipynb
Get data
35:59 - what are the basic libs needed to create our matrix multiplication notebook/module
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
from fastai import datasets
import pickle, gzip, math, torch, matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torch import tensor
36:25 - how to download and extract mnist dataset using the most basic libraries: fastai.datasets
, gzip
, pickle
MNIST_URL= datasets.download_data(MNIST_URL, ext='.gz'); path path
with gzip.open(path, 'rb') as f:
= pickle.load(f, encoding='latin-1') ((x_train, y_train), (x_valid, y_valid), _)
36:57 - how to convert numpy array from mnist dataset into pytorch tensor using map
and tensor
; why Jeremy would like us to use pytorch tensor instead of numpy array; 37:42 - how to find out about the structure of the mnist dataset using tensor.shape
and min
, max
= map(tensor, (x_train,y_train,x_valid,y_valid))
x_train,y_train,x_valid,y_valid = x_train.shape
n,c min(), y_train.max() x_train, x_train.shape, y_train, y_train.shape, y_train.
38:15 - how to build a test to check the dataset has the structure we expect using assert
and test_eq
assert n==y_train.shape[0]==50000
test_eq(y_train.max(),9) test_eq(y_train.
38:39 - how to turn a long vector tensor into a 2d tensor using img.view(28, 28)
; how to display image from a torch.FloatTensor
using plt.imshow(img.view(28,28))
'image.cmap'] = 'gray' mpl.rcParams[
= x_train[0] img
28,28).type() img.view(
28,28))); plt.imshow(img.view((
Initial python model
39:04 - If we are to build a simplest linear model for mnist dataset, how to create the weights and biases for the model using weights = torch.randn(784,10)
and bias = torch.zeros(10)
. check the notebook
= torch.randn(784,10) weights
= torch.zeros(10) bias
Matrix multiplication
39:49 - how to understand the matrix multiplication calculation process (see animation); how to implement the matrix multiplication with 3 loops (see src code below); imagine an input matrix rows=5, cols=28*28
and output matrix rows=5, cols=10
, what would the weights matrix be? (rows=28*28, cols=10)
In the src below, a
would be the input matrix and b
be the weights, we want to find out about the output matrix c
. how to use assert
(I found a useful link here)
def matmul(a,b):
= a.shape # n_rows * n_cols
ar,ac = b.shape
br,bc assert ac==br
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
c for i in range(ar):
for j in range(bc):
for k in range(ac): # or br
+= a[i,k] * b[k,j]
c[i,j] return c
42:57 - run an example on matmul
and test it and check how long does it take to calc a matrix of 5 rows; python is 1000 times slower than pytorch
= x_valid[:5]
m1 = weights m2
This is kinda slow - what if we could speed it up by 50,000 times? Let’s try!
Elementwise ops
44:27 - how to speed up the matrix multiplication by 50000 times by using pytorch (which uses a different lib called aten (the difference between aten and c10) to replace each loop at a time 45:11 - what is elementwise operation notebook from aten or c10 of pytorch; what does elementwise operation do between vectors and between matricies;
Operators (+,-,*,/,>,<,==) are usually element-wise.
Examples of element-wise operations:
= tensor([10., 6, -4])
a = tensor([2., 8, 7])
b a,b
+ b a
< b).float().mean() (a
= tensor([[1., 2, 3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]); m m
46:24 - how to translate equations into codes; how to read Frobenius norm equation; how often it appears in deep learning papers; 47:38 - how to get latex for math equations without actually writing them
Frobenius norm:
\[\| A \|_F = \left( \sum_{i,j=1}^n | a_{ij} |^2 \right)^{1/2}\]
Hint: you don’t normally need to write equations in LaTeX yourself, instead, you can click ‘edit’ in Wikipedia and copy the LaTeX from there (which is what I did for the above equation). Or on arxiv.org, click “Download: Other formats” in the top right, then “Download source”; rename the downloaded file to end in .tgz
if it doesn’t already, and you should find the source there, including the equations to copy and paste.
*m).sum().sqrt() (m
Elementwise matmul
48:52 - how to use elementwise vector-vector multiplication to replace the last loop of scalar-scalar multiplication below, and how much faster do we get (178 times); question: what does %timeit -n 10
mean (doing matmul(m1,m2
10 times?);
def matmul(a,b):
= a.shape
ar,ac = b.shape
br,bc assert ac==br
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
c for i in range(ar):
for j in range(bc):
# Any trailing ",:" can be removed
= (a[i,:] * b[:,j]).sum()
c[i,j] return c
50:59 - which language is this elementwise operation written in (c language); how does test_near
and torch.allclose
check whether two numbers are real close to each other is not exact the same;
def near(a,b): return torch.allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
def test_near(a,b): test(a,b,near)
test_near(t1,matmul(m1, m2))
51:49 - how to get rid of the inner most loop now with broadcasting; what broadcasting does is to getting rid of all loops at the speed of Cuda written in C language; Where and when is broadcasting originated (APL in 1960s); What is this APL broadcasting (remove all the for loop and use implicit broadcasted loops)
The term broadcasting describes how arrays with different shapes are treated during arithmetic operations. The term broadcasting was first used by Numpy.
From the Numpy Documentation:
The term broadcasting describes how numpy treats arrays with
different shapes during arithmetic operations. Subject to certain
constraints, the smaller array is “broadcast” across the larger
array so that they have compatible shapes. Broadcasting provides a
means of vectorizing array operations so that looping occurs in C
instead of Python. It does this without making needless copies of
data and usually leads to efficient algorithm implementations.
In addition to the efficiency of broadcasting, it allows developers to write less code, which typically leads to fewer errors.
This section was adapted from Chapter 4 of the fast.ai Computational Linear Algebra course.
Broadcasting with a scalar
52:58 - how to do broadcasting on a vector with a scalar or broadcasting a scalar to a tensor a
which can be a vector or matrix or more; and broadcasting is at speed of C or cuda;
> 0 a
How are we able to do a > 0? 0 is being broadcast to have the same dimensions as a.
For instance you can normalize our dataset by subtracting the mean (a scalar) from the entire data set (a matrix) and dividing by the standard deviation (another scalar), using broadcasting.
Other examples of broadcasting with a scalar:
+ 1 a
Broadcasting a vector to a matrix
54:10 - how to broadcast a vector to matrix; Jeremy explains how to broadcast a vector to matrix without doing for loop; how to visualize a vector being broadcasted into a matrix using t = c.expand_as(m)
as a data of column or row, m
as matrix)
We can also broadcast a vector to a matrix:
= tensor([10.,20,30]); c c
+ c m
+ m c
We don’t really copy the rows, but it looks as if we did. In fact, the rows are given a stride of 0.
= c.expand_as(m) t
+ t m
55:51 - When broadcasting a vector to matrix, the vector is acting as a matrix but stored as a vector; how do we see this or interpret this using t.storage()
and t.stride()
and t.shape
t.stride(), t.shape
57:05 - how to turn a vector or 1d array into a 2d array or matrix using c.unsqueeze(0).shape
(1, 3) or c[None,:].shape
(1,3) or c.unsqueeze(1).shape
(3,1) or c[:,None].shape
(3,1), and turn a 1d array into a 3d array using c[None,None,:]
(1,1,3) or c[None,:,None]
(1,3,1); we use None
over unsqueeze
You can index with the special value [None] or use unsqueeze()
to convert a 1-dimensional array into a 2-dimensional array (although one of those dimensions has value 1).
0) c.unsqueeze(
1) c.unsqueeze(
0).shape,c.unsqueeze(1).shape c.shape, c.unsqueeze(
None].shape,c[:,None].shape c.shape, c[
59:26 - using None
or unsqueeze
, c + m
is the same to c[None,:] + m
but very different to c[:,None] + m
1:00:25 - how to make sense/visualize of the broadcasting of c[None]
and c[...,None]
using excel
You can always skip trailling ‘:’s. And’…’ means ‘all preceding dimensions’
None].shape,c[...,None].shape c[
None].expand_as(m) c[:,
+ c[:,None] m
None] c[:,
Matmul with broadcasting
1:02:05 - how to simplify the type of c[None,:,:]
as c[None]
and simplify c[:,:,None]
as c[...,None]
1:03:37 - how to write the broadcasting code to replace the for loop and how to thoroughly understand the code; what are the benefits of using broadcasting over many for loops (3700 times faster, less code less loops less error)
def matmul(a,b):
= a.shape
ar,ac = b.shape
br,bc assert ac==br
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
c for i in range(ar):
for j in range(bc): # previously we have these two lines
# Any trailing ",:" can be removed
= (a[i,:] * b[:,j]).sum() # elementwise operation: row x column (both have same length)
c[i,j] return c
def matmul(a,b):
= a.shape
ar,ac = b.shape
br,bc assert ac==br
= torch.zeros(ar, bc)
c for i in range(ar):
# c[i,j] = (a[i,:] * b[:,j]).sum() # previous
= (a[i ].unsqueeze(-1) * b).sum(dim=0) # the right side gives a row of summed values by smashing the tensor into one row
c[i] return c
how to understand the second inner most loop is replaced by broadcasting (homework assigned by Jeremy) I have written the following code blocks to understand it.
from fastdebug.utils import *
from torch import tensor
= tensor([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
a a.shape
a[0,...].shape a[
0][None,:] # 2 dimensions, row dimension set as None, meaning 1 row
a[0][None].shape # it can be 1 row, with unknown more dimensions carrying on e.g., [1,3,,,]
a[0, None].shape # even more simplified
a[0].unsqueeze(0).shape # make one row, but more columns
a[0,None].expand_as(a) # expand more rows
a0][None] * a
a[0][None] * a).sum(dim=0) # sum up so that (3,3) tensor is smashed into a (3) tensor row
(a[0][None] * a).sum(dim=0).shape
(a[0][None] * a).sum(dim=1) # sum up so that (3,3) tensor is smashed into a (3) tensor column
(a[0][None] * a).sum(dim=1).shape (a[
0][:,None] # two dimensions, col dimension set None meaning 1 column
a0][:,None] * a
a[0][:,None] * a).sum(dim=0) # sum up so that (3,3) tensor is smashed into a (3) tensor row
(a[0][:,None] * a).sum(dim=0).shape
(a[0][:,None] * a).sum(dim=1) # sum up so that (3,3) tensor is smashed into a (3) tensor column
(a[0][:,None] * a).sum(dim=1).shape (a[
test_near(t1, matmul(m1, m2))
Broadcasting Rules
1:06:21 - How to understand broadcasting rules; two vector or matrix do some operations, we check their shapes side by side, e.g., a.shape==[1,4,5] vs b.shape==[3,1,5]
, according to the 2 rules, a will broadcast to 3 rows, b will grow to 3 columns, and a and b change nothing on the 3rd dimention. and (a*b).shape == [3,4,5]
None,:] c[
None,:].shape c[
None] c[:,
None].shape c[:,
None,:] * c[:,None] c[
None] > c[:,None] c[
Here is my own code for understanding the 2 rules of broadcasting
= tensor([1,2,3])
c[:].shape c[...].shape
c[None,None].shape c[
c[:,None,None].shape c[:,
c[:,None,:] * c[:,None]).shape (c[
c[:,None,:,None] * c[:,None,None]).shape (c[
= tensor([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[9,8,7]])
a[:,None] * a[:,None]).shape (a[
When operating on two arrays/tensors, Numpy/PyTorch compares their shapes element-wise. It starts with the trailing dimensions, and works its way forward. Two dimensions are compatible when
- they are equal, or
- one of them is 1, in which case that dimension is broadcasted to make it the same size
Arrays do not need to have the same number of dimensions. For example, if you have a 256*256*3
array of RGB values, and you want to scale each color in the image by a different value, you can multiply the image by a one-dimensional array with 3 values. Lining up the sizes of the trailing axes of these arrays according to the broadcast rules, shows that they are compatible:
Image (3d array): 256 x 256 x 3
Scale (1d array): 3
Result (3d array): 256 x 256 x 3
The numpy documentation includes several examples of what dimensions can and can not be broadcast together.
1:10:02 - why the broadcasting trick is the most important technique in creating fastai from scratch
Einstein summation
1:10:43 - how to understand Einstein summation and how to use torch.einsum
to do matrix multiplication with no loop at all and speed up 16000 times faster than pure python 3-for loop version; how to trick torch.einsum
to do batch matrix multiplication and even more transforms and tweaks
Einstein summation (einsum
) is a compact representation for combining products and sums in a general way. From the numpy docs:
“The subscripts string is a comma-separated list of subscript labels, where each label refers to a dimension of the corresponding operand. Whenever a label is repeated it is summed, so np.einsum('i,i', a, b)
is equivalent to np.inner(a,b)
. If a label appears only once, it is not summed, so np.einsum('i', a)
produces a view of a with no changes.”
# c[i,j] += a[i,k] * b[k,j]
# c[i,j] = (a[i,:] * b[:,j]).sum()
def matmul(a,b): return torch.einsum('ik,kj->ij', a, b)
def batch_matmul(a,b): return torch.einsum('bik,bkj->bij', a, b)
test_near(t1, matmul(m1, m2))
1:15:48 - what Jeremy does not like about torch.einsum
and why APL, J and K are so great and what to expect from swift compiler, Julia
pytorch op
1:18:23 - torch.matmul
can do matrix multiplication without loops and 50000 times faster than the pure python 3-for loops version; but the reason why torch.matmul
is so much faster is because it uses a lib like BLAS written by Nvdia (cuBLAS) or AMD or Intel (MKL)which split the large matricies into smaller ones and doing calc without using up all the ram; what are the problems of using these gpu libraries like MKL and cuBLAS;
1:21:48 - torch.matmul
and @
are the same thing, but they can handle a lot more including batch matrix multiplication
We can use pytorch’s function or operator directly for matrix multiplication.
# time comparison vs pure python:
= m1@m2 t2
test_near(t1, t2)
1:22:33 - What to do next; after having matrix multiplication fast enough, we need to initialize weights and biases, then create ReLU, then backward
!python notebook2script.py 01_matmul.ipynb