Lecture 1
00:00-06:47 What is the purpose of part 2 of fastai course?
14:51 - what will we use to rewrite fastai from scratch
16:45 - what are the great benefits of rewriting fastai from scratch
18:48 - what are the opportunities for us during the rewriting
19:45 - what are required of us to do part 2
21:01 - how to create a good model in 3 steps
22:11 - what are the 5 steps to reduce overfitting and why the last 2 steps should be the last
23:10 - how Jeremy feel when reading papers; how to read papers; how to deal with greek letters in math; how to balance between papers and blog posts explaining papers
25:27 - where to find and learn math symbols
26:14 - The detailed learning objectives for the next few lessons