is L a metaclass: False
is L created by a metaclass: True
L is created by metaclass <class ''>
L.__new__ is object.__new__: True
L.__new__ is type.__new__: False
L.__new__: <built-in method __new__ of type object>
L.__init__ is object.__init__: False
L.__init__ is type.__init__: False
L.__init__: <function L.__init__>
L.__call__ is object.__call__: False
L.__call__ is type.__call__: False
L.__call__: <bound method _L_Meta.__call__ of <class ''>>
L.__class__: <class ''>
L.__bases__: (<class 'fastcore.basics.GetAttr'>, <class ''>)
L.__mro__: (<class ''>, <class 'fastcore.basics.GetAttr'>, <class ''>, <class 'object'>)
L's metaclass <class ''>'s function members are:
{'__call__': <function _L_Meta.__call__>}
L's function members are:
__add__: None
__addi__: None
__contains__: None
__delitem__: None
__dir__: Default dir() implementation.
__eq__: Return self==value.
__getattr__: None
__getitem__: Retrieve `idx` (can be list of indices, or mask, or int) items
__init__: Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
__invert__: None
__iter__: None
__len__: None
__mul__: None
__radd__: None
__repr__: Return repr(self).
__reversed__: None
__setitem__: Set `idx` (can be list of indices, or mask, or int) items to `o` (which is broadcast if not iterable)
__setstate__: None
_component_attr_filter: None
_dir: None
_get: None
_new: None
_repr_pretty_: None
argfirst: Return index of first matching item
argwhere: Like `filter`, but return indices for matching items
attrgot: Create new `L` with attr `k` (or value `k` for dicts) of all `items`.
concat: Concatenate all elements of list
copy: Same as `list.copy`, but returns an `L`
cycle: Same as `itertools.cycle`
enumerate: Same as `enumerate`
filter: Create new `L` filtered by predicate `f`, passing `args` and `kwargs` to `f`
itemgot: Create new `L` with item `idx` of all `items`
map: Create new `L` with `f` applied to all `items`, passing `args` and `kwargs` to `f`
map_dict: Like `map`, but creates a dict from `items` to function results
map_first: First element of `map_filter`
map_zip: Combine `zip` and `starmap`
map_zipwith: Combine `zipwith` and `starmap`
product: Product of the items
reduce: Wrapper for `functools.reduce`
renumerate: Same as `renumerate`
setattrs: Call `setattr` on all items
shuffle: Same as `random.shuffle`, but not inplace
sorted: New `L` sorted by `key`. If key is str use `attrgetter`; if int use `itemgetter`
starmap: Like `map`, but use `itertools.starmap`
sum: Sum of the items
unique: Unique items, in stable order
val2idx: Dict from value to index
zip: Create new `L` with `zip(*items)`
zipwith: Create new `L` with `self` zip with each of `*rest`
L's method members are:
{'range': <bound method L.range of <class ''>>,
'split': <bound method L.split of <class ''>>}
L's class members are:
{'__class__': <class ''>}
L's namespace are:
mappingproxy({'__add__': <function L.__add__>,
'__addi__': <function L.__addi__>,
'__contains__': <function L.__contains__>,
'__doc__': 'Behaves like a list of `items` but can also index '
'with list of indices or masks',
'__eq__': <function L.__eq__>,
'__getitem__': <function L.__getitem__>,
'__hash__': None,
'__init__': <function L.__init__>,
'__invert__': <function L.__invert__>,
'__iter__': <function L.__iter__>,
'__module__': '',
'__mul__': <function L.__mul__>,
'__radd__': <function L.__radd__>,
'__repr__': <function L.__repr__>,
'__reversed__': <function L.__reversed__>,
'__setitem__': <function L.__setitem__>,
'__signature__': <Signature (items=None, *rest, use_list=False, match=None)>,
'_default': 'items',
'_get': <function L._get>,
'_new': <function L._new>,
'_repr_pretty_': <function L._repr_pretty_>,
'_xtra': <property object>,
'argfirst': <function L.argfirst>,
'argwhere': <function L.argwhere>,
'attrgot': <function L.attrgot>,
'concat': <function L.concat>,
'copy': <function L.copy>,
'cycle': <function L.cycle>,
'enumerate': <function L.enumerate>,
'filter': <function L.filter>,
'itemgot': <function L.itemgot>,
'map': <function>,
'map_dict': <function L.map_dict>,
'map_first': <function L.map_first>,
'map_zip': <function L.map_zip>,
'map_zipwith': <function L.map_zipwith>,
'product': <function L.product>,
'range': <classmethod object>,
'reduce': <function L.reduce>,
'renumerate': <function L.renumerate>,
'setattrs': <function L.setattrs>,
'shuffle': <function L.shuffle>,
'sorted': <function L.sorted>,
'split': <classmethod object>,
'starmap': <function L.starmap>,
'sum': <function L.sum>,
'unique': <function L.unique>,
'val2idx': <function L.val2idx>,
'zip': <function>,
'zipwith': <function L.zipwith>})