# from IPython.core.display import display, HTML # a depreciated importfrom IPython.display import display, HTML display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
from fastdebug.core import*
from fastcore.meta import delegates
Initiate Fastdb and example in str
g =locals() # this is a mustfdb = Fastdb(delegates, outloc=g)
def low(a, b=1): pass@delegates(low) # this format is fine toodef mid(c, d=1, **kwargs): passpprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
fdb.eg ="""def low(a, b=1): pass@delegates(low)def mid(c, d=1, **kwargs): passpprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug"""
fdb.eg ="""class Foo: @classmethod def clsm(a, b=1): pass @delegates(clsm) def instm(c, d=1, **kwargs): passf = Foo()pprint(inspect.signature(f.instm)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug"""
fdb.eg ="""def low(a, b:int=1): pass@delegates(low)def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): passpprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug"""
'\ndef low(a, b:int=1): pass\n@delegates(low)\ndef mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass\npprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug\n'
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
============================================================== on line None ==============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0)
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2)
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6)
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7)
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8)
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10)
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11)
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} (16)
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18)
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19)
from_f.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values())======================(20)
if hasattr(from_f, '__annotations__'): from_f.__annotations__.update(anno)========(21)
return f==========================================================================(22)
return _f=============================================================================(23)
fdb.docsrc(21, "How to check whether a func has __annotations__; How add selected params' annotations from A to B's annotations;")fdb.docsrc(14, "How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; \how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; \how dict.items() and dict.values() differ", \"inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items()", "inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.values()", "inspect.Parameter.empty", \"for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items():\\n\ printright(f'v.kind: {v.kind}')\\n\ printright(f'v.default: {v.default}')\\n\ v1 = v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)\\n\ printright(f'v1.kind: {v1.kind}')")fdb.docsrc(16, "How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; \How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line", \"getattr(to_f, '__annotations__', {})", "getattr(from_f, '__annotations__', {})")fdb.docsrc(17, "How to add the selected params from A's signature to B's signature; How to add items into a dict;")fdb.docsrc(18, "How to add a new item into a dict;")fdb.docsrc(19, "How to create a new attr for a function or obj;")fdb.docsrc(20, "How to update a signature with a new set of parameters;", "sigd", "sigd.values()", "sig", \"sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values())")fdb.docsrc(2, "how to make delegates(to, but) to have 'but' as list and default as None")fdb.docsrc(0, "how to make delegates(to) to have to as FunctionType and default as None")fdb.docsrc(6, "how to write 2 ifs and elses in 2 lines")fdb.docsrc(7, "how to assign a,b together with if and else")fdb.docsrc(8, "Is classmethod callable; does classmethod has __func__; can we do inspect.signature(clsmethod); \how to use getattr(obj, attr, default)", \"from_f", "to_f", \"hasattr(from_f, '__func__')", "from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)", \"hasattr(to_f, '__func__')", "from_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)", "callable(to_f)")fdb.docsrc(10, "if B has __delwrap__, can we do delegates(A)(B) again?; hasattr(obj, '__delwrap__')")fdb.docsrc(11, "how to get signature obj of B; what does a signature look like; what is the type", "inspect.signature(from_f)", "type(inspect.signature(from_f))")fdb.docsrc(12, "How to access parameters of a signature?; How to turn parameters into a dict?", "sig.parameters", "dict(sig.parameters)")fdb.docsrc(13, "How to remove an item from a dict?; How to get the removed item from a dict?; How to add the removed item back to the dict?; \when writing expressions, as they share environment, so they may affect the following code", "sigd", "k = sigd.pop('kwargs')", "sigd", "sigd['kwargs'] = k")# fdb.docsrc(3,"Personal Docs: delegates(A)(B), given B has kwargs in sig; delegating params of A to B; A and B can be funcs, methods, classes; \# when A or B are classmethod or if they have __func__, then __func__ shall be used to get sig/params; \# when A and B are classes, A.__init__ is actually used to get sig/params, B offers sig/params as a class; \# B only take wanted and missing params with default values; B can keep its kwargs, if not, B will store A in __delwrap__ to prevent delegates(A)(B) again;\# B will get __signature__ and store its new sig; if B has __annotations__, then add what B want from A's __annotations__")
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 21 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f (19)
from_f.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values()) (20)
if hasattr(from_f, '__annotations__'): from_f.__annotations__.update(anno)======================================================================(21)
How to check whether a func has __annotations__; How add selected params' annotations from A to B's annotations;
return f (22)
return _f (23)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 14 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
sigd = dict(sig.parameters) (12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs') (13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items()====================================(14)
How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but} (15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} (16)
==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:
inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() => inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() : odict_items([('a', <Parameter "a">), ('b', <Parameter "b: int = 1">)])
inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.values() => inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.values() : odict_values([<Parameter "a">, <Parameter "b: int = 1">])
inspect.Parameter.empty => inspect.Parameter.empty : <class 'inspect._empty'>
for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items():
printright(f'v.kind: {v.kind}')
printright(f'v.default: {v.default}')
v1 = v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)
printright(f'v1.kind: {v1.kind}')
Running the code block above => ====================================================================
v.default: <class 'inspect._empty'>
v.default: 1
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:
<Signature (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)>
Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0)
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2)
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6)
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7)
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8)
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10)
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11)
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() # How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ; (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} (16)
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18)
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19)
part No.1 out of 2 parts
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 16 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but} (15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but}==========================================(16)
How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line
sigd.update(s2) (17)
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k (18)
==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:
getattr(to_f, '__annotations__', {}) => getattr(to_f, '__annotations__', {}) : {'b': <class 'int'>}
getattr(from_f, '__annotations__', {}) => getattr(from_f, '__annotations__', {}) : {'d': <class 'list'>}
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:
<Signature (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)>
Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0)
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2)
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6)
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7)
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8)
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10)
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11)
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() # How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ; (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} # How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line; (16)
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18)
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19)
part No.1 out of 2 parts
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 17 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but} (15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} (16)
How to add the selected params from A's signature to B's signature; How to add items into a dict;
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k (18)
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f (19)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 18 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} (16)
sigd.update(s2) (17)
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=====================================================================================================================(18)
How to add a new item into a dict;
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f (19)
from_f.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values()) (20)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 19 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
sigd.update(s2) (17)
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k (18)
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f=================================================================================================================(19)
How to create a new attr for a function or obj;
from_f.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values()) (20)
if hasattr(from_f, '__annotations__'): from_f.__annotations__.update(anno) (21)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 20 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k (18)
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f (19)
from_f.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values())====================================================================================(20)
How to update a signature with a new set of parameters;
if hasattr(from_f, '__annotations__'): from_f.__annotations__.update(anno) (21)
return f (22)
==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:
sigd => sigd : {'c': <Parameter "c">, 'd': <Parameter "d: list = None">, 'b': <Parameter "b: int = 1">}
sigd.values() => sigd.values() : dict_values([<Parameter "c">, <Parameter "d: list = None">, <Parameter "b: int = 1">])
sig => sig : (c, d: list = None, **kwargs)
sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values()) => sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values()): (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:
<Signature (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)>
Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
from_f.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values())======================(20) # How to update a signature with a new set of parameters;;
if hasattr(from_f, '__annotations__'): from_f.__annotations__.update(anno)========(21) # How to check whether a func has __annotations__; How add selected params' annotations from A to B's annotations;;
return f==========================================================================(22)
return _f=============================================================================(23)
part No.2 out of 2 parts
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 2 ================================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee (0)
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function? (1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature=================================================================================(2)
how to make delegates(to, but) to have 'but' as list and default as None
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`" (3)
if but is None: but = [] (4)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 0 ================================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee=========================================================================================================(0)
how to make delegates(to) to have to as FunctionType and default as None
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function? (1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature (2)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 6 ================================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
if but is None: but = [] (4)
def _f(f): (5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=====================================================================================(6)
how to write 2 ifs and elses in 2 lines
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f (7)
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f) (8)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 7 ================================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
def _f(f): (5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__ (6)
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=======================================================================(7)
how to assign a,b together with if and else
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f) (8)
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f) (9)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 8 ================================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__ (6)
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f (7)
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)======================================================================================================(8)
Is classmethod callable; does classmethod has __func__; can we do inspect.signature(clsmethod); how to use getattr(obj, attr, default)
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f) (9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f (10)
==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:
from_f => from_f : <function mid>
to_f => to_f : <function low>
hasattr(from_f, '__func__') => hasattr(from_f, '__func__') : False
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f) => from_f: <function mid>
hasattr(to_f, '__func__') => hasattr(to_f, '__func__') : False
from_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f) => from_f: <function low>
callable(to_f) => callable(to_f) : True
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:
<Signature (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)>
Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0) # how to make delegates(to) to have to as FunctionType and default as None;
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2) # how to make delegates(to, but) to have 'but' as list and default as None;
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6) # how to write 2 ifs and elses in 2 lines;
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7) # how to assign a,b together with if and else;
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8) # Is classmethod callable; does classmethod has __func__; can we do inspect.signature(clsmethod); how to use getattr(obj, attr, default);
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10)
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11)
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() # How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ; (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} # How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line; (16)
sigd.update(s2)===================================================================(17) # How to add the selected params from A's signature to B's signature; How to add items into a dict;;
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18) # How to add a new item into a dict;;
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19) # How to create a new attr for a function or obj;;
part No.1 out of 2 parts
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 10 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f) (8)
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f) (9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f======================================================================================================(10)
if B has __delwrap__, can we do delegates(A)(B) again?; hasattr(obj, '__delwrap__')
sig = inspect.signature(from_f) (11)
sigd = dict(sig.parameters) (12)
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 11 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f) (9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f (10)
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)=================================================================================================================(11)
how to get signature obj of B; what does a signature look like; what is the type
sigd = dict(sig.parameters) (12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs') (13)
==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:
inspect.signature(from_f) => inspect.signature(from_f) : (c, d: list = None, **kwargs)
type(inspect.signature(from_f)) => type(inspect.signature(from_f)) : <class 'inspect.Signature'>
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:
<Signature (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)>
Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0) # how to make delegates(to) to have to as FunctionType and default as None;
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2) # how to make delegates(to, but) to have 'but' as list and default as None;
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6) # how to write 2 ifs and elses in 2 lines;
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7) # how to assign a,b together with if and else;
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8) # Is classmethod callable; does classmethod has __func__; can we do inspect.signature(clsmethod); how to use getattr(obj, attr, default);
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10) # if B has __delwrap__, can we do delegates(A)(B) again?; hasattr(obj, '__delwrap__');
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11) # how to get signature obj of B; what does a signature look like; what is the type;
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() # How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ; (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} # How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line; (16)
sigd.update(s2)===================================================================(17) # How to add the selected params from A's signature to B's signature; How to add items into a dict;;
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18) # How to add a new item into a dict;;
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19) # How to create a new attr for a function or obj;;
part No.1 out of 2 parts
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 12 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f (10)
sig = inspect.signature(from_f) (11)
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=====================================================================================================================(12)
How to access parameters of a signature?; How to turn parameters into a dict?
k = sigd.pop('kwargs') (13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() (14)
==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:
sig.parameters => sig.parameters : OrderedDict([('c', <Parameter "c">), ('d', <Parameter "d: list = None">), ('kwargs', <Parameter "**kwargs">)])
dict(sig.parameters) => dict(sig.parameters) : {'c': <Parameter "c">, 'd': <Parameter "d: list = None">, 'kwargs': <Parameter "**kwargs">}
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:
<Signature (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)>
Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0) # how to make delegates(to) to have to as FunctionType and default as None;
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2) # how to make delegates(to, but) to have 'but' as list and default as None;
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6) # how to write 2 ifs and elses in 2 lines;
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7) # how to assign a,b together with if and else;
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8) # Is classmethod callable; does classmethod has __func__; can we do inspect.signature(clsmethod); how to use getattr(obj, attr, default);
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10) # if B has __delwrap__, can we do delegates(A)(B) again?; hasattr(obj, '__delwrap__');
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11) # how to get signature obj of B; what does a signature look like; what is the type;
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12) # How to access parameters of a signature?; How to turn parameters into a dict?;
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13)
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() # How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ; (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} # How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line; (16)
sigd.update(s2)===================================================================(17) # How to add the selected params from A's signature to B's signature; How to add items into a dict;;
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18) # How to add a new item into a dict;;
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19) # How to create a new attr for a function or obj;;
part No.1 out of 2 parts
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 13 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
print selected srcline with expands below--------
sig = inspect.signature(from_f) (11)
sigd = dict(sig.parameters) (12)
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')==========================================================================================================================(13)
How to remove an item from a dict?; How to get the removed item from a dict?; How to add the removed item back to the dict?; when writing expressions, as they share environment, so they may affect the following code
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but} (15)
==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:
sigd => sigd : {'c': <Parameter "c">, 'd': <Parameter "d: list = None">, 'kwargs': <Parameter "**kwargs">}
k = sigd.pop('kwargs') => k: **kwargs
sigd => sigd : {'c': <Parameter "c">, 'd': <Parameter "d: list = None">}
sigd['kwargs'] = k => sigd['kwargs']: **kwargs
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:
<Signature (c, d: list = None, *, b: int = 1)>
Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0) # how to make delegates(to) to have to as FunctionType and default as None;
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2) # how to make delegates(to, but) to have 'but' as list and default as None;
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6) # how to write 2 ifs and elses in 2 lines;
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7) # how to assign a,b together with if and else;
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8) # Is classmethod callable; does classmethod has __func__; can we do inspect.signature(clsmethod); how to use getattr(obj, attr, default);
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10) # if B has __delwrap__, can we do delegates(A)(B) again?; hasattr(obj, '__delwrap__');
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11) # how to get signature obj of B; what does a signature look like; what is the type;
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12) # How to access parameters of a signature?; How to turn parameters into a dict?;
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13) # How to remove an item from a dict?; How to get the removed item from a dict?; How to add the removed item back to the dict?; when writing expressions, as they share environment, so they may affect the following code;
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() # How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ; (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} # How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line; (16)
sigd.update(s2)===================================================================(17) # How to add the selected params from A's signature to B's signature; How to add items into a dict;;
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18) # How to add a new item into a dict;;
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19) # How to create a new attr for a function or obj;;
part No.1 out of 2 parts
======================================================== Investigating delegates =========================================================
=============================================================== on line 13 ===============================================================
with example
def low(a, b:int=1): pass
def mid(c, d:list=None, **kwargs): pass
pprint(inspect.signature(mid)) # pprint and inspect is loaded from fastdebug
def delegates(to:FunctionType=None, # Delegatee===========================================(0) # how to make delegates(to) to have to as FunctionType and default as None;
keep=False, # Keep `kwargs` in decorated function?==========================(1)
but:list=None): # Exclude these parameters from signature===================(2) # how to make delegates(to, but) to have 'but' as list and default as None;
"Decorator: replace `**kwargs` in signature with params from `to`"====================(3)
if but is None: but = []==============================================================(4)
def _f(f):============================================================================(5)
if to is None: to_f,from_f = f.__base__.__init__,f.__init__=======================(6) # how to write 2 ifs and elses in 2 lines;
else: to_f,from_f = to.__init__ if isinstance(to,type) else to,f=========(7) # how to assign a,b together with if and else;
from_f = getattr(from_f,'__func__',from_f)========================================(8) # Is classmethod callable; does classmethod has __func__; can we do inspect.signature(clsmethod); how to use getattr(obj, attr, default);
to_f = getattr(to_f,'__func__',to_f)==============================================(9)
if hasattr(from_f,'__delwrap__'): return f========================================(10) # if B has __delwrap__, can we do delegates(A)(B) again?; hasattr(obj, '__delwrap__');
sig = inspect.signature(from_f)===================================================(11) # how to get signature obj of B; what does a signature look like; what is the type;
sigd = dict(sig.parameters)=======================================================(12) # How to access parameters of a signature?; How to turn parameters into a dict?;
k = sigd.pop('kwargs')============================================================(13) # How to remove an item from a dict?; How to get the removed item from a dict?; How to add the removed item back to the dict?; when writing expressions, as they share environment, so they may affect the following code;
s2 = {k:v.replace(kind=inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) for k,v in inspect.signature(to_f).parameters.items() # How to access a signature's parameters as a dict?; How to replace the kind of a parameter with a different kind?; how to check whether a parameter has a default value?; How to check whether a string is in a dict and a list?; how dict.items() and dict.values() differ; (14)
if v.default != inspect.Parameter.empty and k not in sigd and k not in but}=(15)
anno = {k:v for k,v in getattr(to_f, "__annotations__", {}).items() if k not in sigd and k not in but} # How to get A's __annotations__?; How to access it as a dict?; How to select annotations of the right params with names?; How to put them into a dict?; How to do it all in a single line; (16)
sigd.update(s2)===================================================================(17) # How to add the selected params from A's signature to B's signature; How to add items into a dict;;
if keep: sigd['kwargs'] = k=======================================================(18) # How to add a new item into a dict;;
else: from_f.__delwrap__ = to_f===================================================(19) # How to create a new attr for a function or obj;;
from_f.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=sigd.values())======================(20) # How to update a signature with a new set of parameters;;
if hasattr(from_f, '__annotations__'): from_f.__annotations__.update(anno)========(21) # How to check whether a func has __annotations__; How add selected params' annotations from A to B's annotations;;
return f==========================================================================(22)
return _f=============================================================================(23)
# fdb.snoop(deco=True) # both examples above works for Fastdb