Introducing fastdebug

a little tool to help me explore fastai with joy and ease

References I use when I explore

fastai style

What is the fastai coding style

How to do abbreviation the fastai way

A great example of how fastai libraries can make life more comfortable

What is the motivation behind fastdebug library?

I have always wanted to explore and learn the fastai libraries thoroughly. However, reading source code is intimidating for beginners even for well-designed and written libraries like fastcore, fastai. So, I have relied on pdbpp to explore source code previously. To do fastai is to do exploratory coding with jupyter, but pdbpp is not working for jupyter at the moment and none of debugging tools I know exactly suit my needs. So, with the help of the amazing nbdev, I created this little library with 4 little tools to assist me explore source code and document my learning along the way.

Here are the four tools: > Fastdb.snoop(): print out all the executed lines and local vars of the source code I am exploring

Fastdb.explore(9): start pdb at source line 9 or any srcline at my choose

Fastdb.print(10, 2): print out the 2nd part of source code, given the source code is divded into multi parts (each part has 10 lines)

Fastdb.docsrc(10, “comments”, “code expression1”, “code expression2”, “multi-line expressions”): to document the leanring of the srcline 10

As you should know now, this lib does two things: explore and document source code. Let’s start with Fastdb.explore first on a simple example. If you would like to see it working on a more complex real world example, I have fastcore.meta.FixSigMeta ready for you.

If you find anything confusing or bug-like, please inform me in this forum post.


Why not explore with pure ipdb.set_trace?

Fastdb.explore is a wrapper around ipdb.set_trace and make my life easier when I am exploring because:

I don’t need to write from ipdb import set_trace for every notebook

I don’t need to manually open the source code file and scroll down the source code

I don’t need to insert set_trace() above every line of source code (srcline) I want to start exploring

I don’t need to remove set_trace() from the source code every time after exploration

How to use Fastdb.explore?

Let’s explore the source code of whatinside from fastdebug.utils using this tool.

from fastdebug.utils import * # for making an example 
from fastcore.test import * 
import inspect
import fastdebug.utils as fu
whatinside(fu) # this is the example we are going to explore whatinside with
fastdebug.utils has: 
8 items in its __all__, and 
23 user defined functions, 
1 classes or class objects, 
0 builtin funcs and methods, and
24 callables.
from fastdebug.core import * # Let's import Fastdb and its dependencies
# g = locals()
# fdb = Fastdb(whatinside, outloc=g) # first, create an object of Fastdb class, using `whatinside` as param
fdb = Fastdb(whatinside)
# 1. you can view source code in whole or in parts with the length you set, 
# and it gives you srcline idx so that you can set breakpoint with ease.
#| column: screen
def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here=============(0)       
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__===============================(1)       
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions========================(2)       
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects=================================(3)       
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods=====================(4)       
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to=======(5)       
               cal:bool=False # print all callables=======================================(6)       
             ): ==========================================================================(7)       
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'==(8)       
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0============================(9)       
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)====================================(10)      
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)=====================================(11)      
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)==================================(12)      
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)==========================================(13)      
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)================================================(14)      
    if not lib:===========================================================================(15)      
        print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  (16)
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)=================================(17)      
    if func: =============================================================================(18)      
        print(f'The user defined functions are:')=========================================(19)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 2 parts
# 2. after viewing source code, choose a srcline idx to set breakpoint and write down why I want to explore this line = """
import fastdebug.utils as fu
# fdb.explore(11)
# 2. you can set multiple breakpoints from the start if you like (but not necessary)
# fdb.explore([11, 16, 13])


But more often I just want to have an overview of what srclines get run so that I know which lines to dive into and start documenting.

Note: I borrowed snoop from snoop library and automated it.

06:33:11.07 >>> Call to whatinside in File "/tmp/", line 3
06:33:11.07 ...... mo = <module 'fastdebug.utils' from '/Users/Natsume/Documents/fastdebug/fastdebug/'>
06:33:11.07 ...... dun = False
06:33:11.07 ...... func = False
06:33:11.07 ...... clas = False
06:33:11.07 ...... bltin = False
06:33:11.07 ...... lib = False
06:33:11.07 ...... cal = False
06:33:11.07    3 | def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here
06:33:11.07   12 |     dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0
06:33:11.07 .......... dun_all = 8
06:33:11.07   13 |     funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)
06:33:11.07 .......... funcs = [('distribution', <function distribution>), ('expandcell', <function expandcell>), ('inspect_class', <function inspect_class>), ..., ('version', <function version>), ('whatinside', <function whatinside>), ('whichversion', <function whichversion>)]
06:33:11.07 .......... len(funcs) = 23
06:33:11.07   14 |     classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)
06:33:11.07 .......... classes = [('ExceptionExpected', <class 'fastcore.test.ExceptionExpected'>)]
06:33:11.07 .......... len(classes) = 1
06:33:11.07   15 |     builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)
06:33:11.07 .......... builtins = []
06:33:11.07   16 |     callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)
06:33:11.07 .......... callables = [('ExceptionExpected', <class 'fastcore.test.ExceptionExpected'>), ('distribution', <function distribution>), ('expandcell', <function expandcell>), ..., ('version', <function version>), ('whatinside', <function whatinside>), ('whichversion', <function whichversion>)]
06:33:11.07 .......... len(callables) = 24
06:33:11.07   17 |     pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)
06:33:11.07 .......... pkgpath = '/Users/Natsume/Documents/fastdebug/fastdebug'
06:33:11.07   18 |     if not lib:
06:33:11.07   19 |         print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  
06:33:11.07   20 |     if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)
06:33:11.08   21 |     if func: 
06:33:11.08   24 |     if clas: 
06:33:11.08   27 |     if bltin: 
06:33:11.08   30 |     if cal: 
06:33:11.08   33 |     if lib: 
06:33:11.08 <<< Return value from whatinside: None
========================================================     Investigating whatinside     ========================================================
==============================================================     on line None     ==============================================================
=======================================     with example 
import fastdebug.utils as fu

fastdebug.utils has: 
8 items in its __all__, and 
23 user defined functions, 
1 classes or class objects, 
0 builtin funcs and methods, and
24 callables.


After exploring and snooping, if I realize there is something new to learn and maybe want to come back for a second look, I find ipdb and the alike are not designed to document my learning. So, I created docsrc to make my life easier in the following ways:

I won’t need to scroll through a long cell output of pdb commands, src prints and results to find what I learnt during exploration

I won’t need to type all the expressions during last exploration to regenerate the findings for me

I can choose any srclines to explore and write any sinlge or multi-line expressions to evaluate the srcline

I can write down what I learn or what is new on any srcline as comment, and all comments are attached to the src code for review

All expressions with results and comments for each srcline under exploration are documented for easy reviews

Of course, no worry about your original source code, as it is untouched.


from fastdebug.core import * # to make Fastdb available
from fastdebug.utils import whatinside # for making an example


g = locals()
fdb = Fastdb(whatinside, outloc=g) # use either fu.whatinside or whatinside is fine
fdb.print(maxlines=20, part=1) # view the source code with idx
def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here=============(0)       
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__===============================(1)       
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions========================(2)       
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects=================================(3)       
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods=====================(4)       
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to=======(5)       
               cal:bool=False # print all callables=======================================(6)       
             ): ==========================================================================(7)       
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'==(8)       
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0============================(9)       
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)====================================(10)      
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)=====================================(11)      
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)==================================(12)      
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)==========================================(13)      
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)================================================(14)      
    if not lib:===========================================================================(15)      
        print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  (16)
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)=================================(17)      
    if func: =============================================================================(18)      
        print(f'The user defined functions are:')=========================================(19)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 2 parts

What does the first line do? = "whatinside(fu)"
fdb.docsrc(9, "how many items inside mo.__all__?", "mo", \
"if hasattr(mo, '__all__'):\\n\
    printright(f'mo: {mo}')\\n\
    printright(f'mo.__all__: {mo.__all__}')\\n\
    printright(f'len(mo.__all__): {len(mo.__all__)}')")
========================================================     Investigating whatinside     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 9     ================================================================
======================================================     with example whatinside(fu)     =======================================================

print selected srcline with expands below--------
             ):                                                                                                                                         (7)
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'                                                                (8)
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0==========================================================================================(9)
                                                                                                                            how many items inside mo.__all__?
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)                                                                                                  (10)
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)                                                                                                   (11)

==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:

                                                           mo => mo : <module 'fastdebug.utils' from '/Users/Natsume/Documents/fastdebug/fastdebug/'>

if hasattr(mo, '__all__'):
    printright(f'mo: {mo}')
    printright(f'mo.__all__: {mo.__all__}')
    printright(f'len(mo.__all__): {len(mo.__all__)}')     

Running the code block above => ====================================================================

                                                                  mo: <module 'fastdebug.utils' from '/Users/Natsume/Documents/fastdebug/fastdebug/'>
                                     mo.__all__: ['expand', 'test_eq', 'test_is', 'expandcell', 'inspect_class', 'ismetaclass', 'whatinside', 'whichversion']
                                                                                                                                           len(mo.__all__): 8
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:

fastdebug.utils has: 
8 items in its __all__, and 
23 user defined functions, 
1 classes or class objects, 
0 builtin funcs and methods, and
24 callables.

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here=============(0)       
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__===============================(1)       
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions========================(2)       
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects=================================(3)       
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods=====================(4)       
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to=======(5)       
               cal:bool=False # print all callables=======================================(6)       
             ): ==========================================================================(7)       
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'==(8)       
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0============================(9) # how many items inside mo.__all__?; 
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)====================================(10)      
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)=====================================(11)      
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)==================================(12)      
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)==========================================(13)      
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)================================================(14)      
    if not lib:===========================================================================(15)      
        print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  (16)
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)=================================(17)      
    if func: =============================================================================(18)      
        print(f'The user defined functions are:')=========================================(19)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 2 parts
dbsrc = fdb.docsrc(10, "get all funcs of a module", "mo", "inspect.getdoc(inspect.isfunction)", \
            "inspect.getdoc(inspect.getmembers)", "funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)")
========================================================     Investigating whatinside     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 10     ===============================================================
======================================================     with example whatinside(fu)     =======================================================

print selected srcline with expands below--------
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'                                                                (8)
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0                                                                                          (9)
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)==================================================================================================(10)
                                                                                                                                    get all funcs of a module
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)                                                                                                   (11)
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)                                                                                                (12)

==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:

                                                           mo => mo : <module 'fastdebug.utils' from '/Users/Natsume/Documents/fastdebug/fastdebug/'>

inspect.getdoc(inspect.isfunction) => inspect.getdoc(inspect.isfunction) : Return true if the object is a user-defined function.

Function objects provide these attributes:
    __doc__         documentation string
    __name__        name with which this function was defined
    __code__        code object containing compiled function bytecode
    __defaults__    tuple of any default values for arguments
    __globals__     global namespace in which this function was defined
    __annotations__ dict of parameter annotations
    __kwdefaults__  dict of keyword only parameters with defaults

inspect.getdoc(inspect.getmembers) => inspect.getdoc(inspect.getmembers) : Return all members of an object as (name, value) pairs sorted by name.
Optionally, only return members that satisfy a given predicate.

funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction) => funcs: [('distribution', <function distribution>), ('expandcell', <function expandcell>), ('inspect_class', <function inspect_class>), ('is_close', <function is_close>), ('ismetaclass', <function ismetaclass>), ('metadata', <function metadata>), ('nequals', <function nequals>), ('pprint', <function pprint>), ('python_version', <function python_version>), ('test', <function test>), ('test_close', <function test_close>), ('test_eq', <function test_eq>), ('test_eq_type', <function test_eq_type>), ('test_fail', <function test_fail>), ('test_fig_exists', <function test_fig_exists>), ('test_is', <function test_is>), ('test_ne', <function test_ne>), ('test_shuffled', <function test_shuffled>), ('test_stdout', <function test_stdout>), ('test_warns', <function test_warns>), ('version', <function version>), ('whatinside', <function whatinside>), ('whichversion', <function whichversion>)]
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:

fastdebug.utils has: 
8 items in its __all__, and 
23 user defined functions, 
1 classes or class objects, 
0 builtin funcs and methods, and
24 callables.

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here=============(0)       
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__===============================(1)       
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions========================(2)       
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects=================================(3)       
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods=====================(4)       
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to=======(5)       
               cal:bool=False # print all callables=======================================(6)       
             ): ==========================================================================(7)       
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'==(8)       
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0============================(9) # how many items inside mo.__all__?; 
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)====================================(10) # get all funcs of a module; 
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)=====================================(11)      
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)==================================(12)      
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)==========================================(13)      
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)================================================(14)      
    if not lib:===========================================================================(15)      
        print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  (16)
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)=================================(17)      
    if func: =============================================================================(18)      
        print(f'The user defined functions are:')=========================================(19)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 2 parts

If I find the src is too long, and I customize the print out of src the way I like

fdb.print(maxlines=15, part=1)
def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here=============(0)       
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__===============================(1)       
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions========================(2)       
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects=================================(3)       
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods=====================(4)       
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to=======(5)       
               cal:bool=False # print all callables=======================================(6)       
             ): ==========================================================================(7)       
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'==(8)       
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0============================(9) # how many items inside mo.__all__?; 
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)====================================(10) # get all funcs of a module; 
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)=====================================(11)      
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)==================================(12)      
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)==========================================(13)      
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)================================================(14)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 3 parts

I can write a block of codes to evaluate

import fastcore.meta as core
# fdb.takExample("whatinside(core)", whatinside=whatinside, core=core) = "whatinside(core)"
dbsrc = fdb.docsrc(11, "get all classes from the module", \
"clas = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)\\n\
for c in clas:\\n\
========================================================     Investigating whatinside     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 11     ===============================================================
=====================================================     with example whatinside(core)     ======================================================

print selected srcline with expands below--------
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0                                                                                          (9)
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)                                                                                                  (10)
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)===================================================================================================(11)
                                                                                                                              get all classes from the module
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)                                                                                                (12)
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)                                                                                                        (13)

==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:

clas = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)
for c in clas:

Running the code block above => ====================================================================

('AutoInit', <class 'fastcore.meta.AutoInit'>)
('BuiltinFunctionType', <class 'builtin_function_or_method'>)
('BuiltinMethodType', <class 'builtin_function_or_method'>)
('BypassNewMeta', <class 'fastcore.meta.BypassNewMeta'>)
('ExceptionExpected', <class 'fastcore.test.ExceptionExpected'>)
('FixSigMeta', <class 'fastcore.meta.FixSigMeta'>)
('FunctionType', <class 'function'>)
('MethodDescriptorType', <class 'method_descriptor'>)
('MethodType', <class 'method'>)
('MethodWrapperType', <class 'method-wrapper'>)
('NewChkMeta', <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>)
('NoneType', <class 'NoneType'>)
('Path', <class 'pathlib.Path'>)
('PrePostInitMeta', <class 'fastcore.meta.PrePostInitMeta'>)
('SimpleNamespace', <class 'types.SimpleNamespace'>)
('WrapperDescriptorType', <class 'wrapper_descriptor'>)
('attrgetter', <class 'operator.attrgetter'>)
('itemgetter', <class 'operator.itemgetter'>)
('partial', <class 'functools.partial'>)
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:

fastcore.meta has: 
13 items in its __all__, and 
43 user defined functions, 
19 classes or class objects, 
2 builtin funcs and methods, and
74 callables.

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here=============(0)       
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__===============================(1)       
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions========================(2)       
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects=================================(3)       
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods=====================(4)       
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to=======(5)       
               cal:bool=False # print all callables=======================================(6)       
             ): ==========================================================================(7)       
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'==(8)       
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0============================(9) # how many items inside mo.__all__?; 
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)====================================(10) # get all funcs of a module; 
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)=====================================(11) # get all classes from the module; 
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)==================================(12)      
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)==========================================(13)      
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)================================================(14)      
    if not lib:===========================================================================(15)      
        print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  (16)
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)=================================(17)      
    if func: =============================================================================(18)      
        print(f'The user defined functions are:')=========================================(19)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 2 parts
dbsrc = fdb.docsrc(14, "get the file path of the module", "mo.__file__", "inspect.getdoc(os.path.dirname)", "pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)")
========================================================     Investigating whatinside     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 14     ===============================================================
=====================================================     with example whatinside(core)     ======================================================

print selected srcline with expands below--------
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)                                                                                                (12)
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)                                                                                                        (13)
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)==============================================================================================================(14)
                                                                                                                              get the file path of the module
    if not lib:                                                                                                                                         (15)
        print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  (16)

==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:

                                                          mo.__file__ => mo.__file__ : /Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore/

                                           inspect.getdoc(os.path.dirname) => inspect.getdoc(os.path.dirname) : Returns the directory component of a pathname

                                            pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__) => pkgpath: /Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:

fastcore.meta has: 
13 items in its __all__, and 
43 user defined functions, 
19 classes or class objects, 
2 builtin funcs and methods, and
74 callables.

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
def whatinside(mo, # module, e.g., `import fastcore.all as fa`, use `fa` here=============(0)       
               dun:bool=False, # print all items in __all__===============================(1)       
               func:bool=False, # print all user defined functions========================(2)       
               clas:bool=False, # print all class objects=================================(3)       
               bltin:bool=False, # print all builtin funcs or methods=====================(4)       
               lib:bool=False, # print all the modules of the library it belongs to=======(5)       
               cal:bool=False # print all callables=======================================(6)       
             ): ==========================================================================(7)       
    'Check what inside a module: `__all__`, functions, classes, builtins, and callables'==(8)       
    dun_all = len(mo.__all__) if hasattr(mo, "__all__") else 0============================(9) # how many items inside mo.__all__?; 
    funcs = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isfunction)====================================(10) # get all funcs of a module; 
    classes = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isclass)=====================================(11) # get all classes from the module; 
    builtins = inspect.getmembers(mo, inspect.isbuiltin)==================================(12)      
    callables = inspect.getmembers(mo, callable)==========================================(13)      
    pkgpath = os.path.dirname(mo.__file__)================================================(14) # get the file path of the module; 
    if not lib:===========================================================================(15)      
        print(f"{mo.__name__} has: \n{dun_all} items in its __all__, and \n{len(funcs)} user defined functions, \n{len(classes)} classes or class objects, \n{len(builtins)} builtin funcs and methods, and\n{len(callables)} callables.\n")  (16)
    if hasattr(mo, "__all__") and dun: pprint(mo.__all__)=================================(17)      
    if func: =============================================================================(18)      
        print(f'The user defined functions are:')=========================================(19)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 2 parts
# fdb.takExample("whatinside(core, lib=True)", whatinside=whatinside, core=core) = "whatinside(core, lib=True)"
dbsrc = fdb.docsrc(30, "get names of all modules of a lib", "pkgpath", "inspect.getdoc(pkgutil.iter_modules)", \
"for a, b, c in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgpath]):\\n\
    printright(f'{a} ; {b}; {c}')", db=True)
========================================================     Investigating whatinside     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 30     ===============================================================
================================================     with example whatinside(core, lib=True)     =================================================

print selected srcline with expands below--------
        print(f'The callables are: ')                                                                                                                   (28)
        pprint([i[0] for i in callables])                                                                                                               (29)
    if lib: ============================================================================================================================================(30)
                                                                                                                            get names of all modules of a lib
        modules = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgpath])]                                                                              (31)
        print(f'The library has {len(modules)} modules')                                                                                                (32)

==================================================================================================================Start of my srcline exploration:

                                                                          pkgpath => pkgpath : /Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore

inspect.getdoc(pkgutil.iter_modules) => inspect.getdoc(pkgutil.iter_modules) : Yields ModuleInfo for all submodules on path,
or, if path is None, all top-level modules on sys.path.

'path' should be either None or a list of paths to look for
modules in.

'prefix' is a string to output on the front of every module name
on output.

for a, b, c in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgpath]):
    printright(f'{a} ; {b}; {c}')                                                                            

Running the code block above => ====================================================================

                                                                FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; _modidx; False
                                                                 FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; _nbdev; False
                                                                    FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; all; False
                                                                 FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; basics; False
                                                               FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; dispatch; False
                                                               FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; docments; False
                                                              FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; docscrape; False
                                                             FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; foundation; False
                                                                FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; imports; False
                                                                   FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; meta; False
                                                             FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; nb_imports; False
                                                                    FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; net; False
                                                               FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; parallel; False
                                                                 FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; script; False
                                                                 FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; shutil; False
                                                                  FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; style; False
                                                                   FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; test; False
                                                              FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; transform; False
                                                                  FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; utils; False
                                                                    FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; xdg; False
                                                                  FileFinder('/Users/Natsume/mambaforge/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastcore') ; xtras; False
====================================================================================================================End of my srcline exploration:

The library has 21 modules

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
        pprint([i[0] for i in funcs])=====================================================(20)      
    if clas: =============================================================================(21)      
        print(f'The class objects are:')==================================================(22)      
        pprint([i[0] for i in classes])===================================================(23)      
    if bltin: ============================================================================(24)      
        print(f'The builtin functions or methods are:')===================================(25)      
        pprint([i[0] for i in builtins])==================================================(26)      
    if cal: ==============================================================================(27)      
        print(f'The callables are: ')=====================================================(28)      
        pprint([i[0] for i in callables])=================================================(29)      
    if lib: ==============================================================================(30) # get names of all modules of a lib; 
        modules = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkgpath])]================(31)      
        print(f'The library has {len(modules)} modules')==================================(32)      
                                                                                                                                     part No.2 out of 2 parts

After running .dbprint, everything is back to normal automatically


To check, when run whatinside?? we should see the actually source code whereas the db version of whatinside does not have.


pip install fastdebug

How to use

Fill me in please! Don’t forget code examples:
