
Import and Initalization

from fastdebug.utils import *
from fastdebug.core import *
from fastcore.meta import *
g = locals()
fdb = Fastdb(NewChkMeta, outloc = g)
========================================================     Investigating NewChkMeta     ========================================================
==============================================================     on line None     ==============================================================
=============================================================     with example      ==============================================================

class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):=============================================================(0)       
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"==========================(1)       
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):===========================================(2)       
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x======(3)       
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)==================================(4)       
        return res========================================================================(5)       

Official docs

The official docs (at first, it does not make sense to me)

NewChkMeta is used when an object of the same type is the first argument to your class’s constructor (i.e. the init function), and you would rather it not create a new object but point to the same exact object.

This is used in L, for example, to avoid creating a new object when the object is already of type L. This allows the users to defenisvely instantiate an L object and just return a reference to the same object if it already happens to be of type L.

For example, the below class _T optionally accepts an object o as its first argument. A new object is returned upon instantiation per usual:

class _T():
    def __init__(self, o): 
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) #t1 is of type _T
assert t is not t2 # t1 and t2 are different objects

However, if we want _T to return a reference to the same object when passed an an object of type _T we can inherit from the NewChkMeta class as illustrated below:

class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t

Prepare Example

fdb.eg = """
class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t

Inspect classes

class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
        return res

is NewChkMeta a metaclass: True
is NewChkMeta created by a metaclass: False
NewChkMeta is created by <class 'type'>
NewChkMeta.__new__ is object.__new__: False
NewChkMeta.__new__ is type.__new__: False
NewChkMeta.__new__: <function FixSigMeta.__new__>
NewChkMeta.__init__ is object.__init__: False
NewChkMeta.__init__ is type.__init__: True
NewChkMeta.__init__: <slot wrapper '__init__' of 'type' objects>
NewChkMeta.__call__ is object.__call__: False
NewChkMeta.__call__ is type.__call__: False
NewChkMeta.__call__: <function NewChkMeta.__call__>
NewChkMeta.__class__: <class 'type'>
NewChkMeta.__bases__: (<class 'fastcore.meta.FixSigMeta'>,)
NewChkMeta.__mro__: (<class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>, <class 'fastcore.meta.FixSigMeta'>, <class 'type'>, <class 'object'>)

NewChkMeta's function members are:
{'__call__': <function NewChkMeta.__call__>,
 '__new__': <function FixSigMeta.__new__>}

NewChkMeta's method members are:

NewChkMeta's class members are:
{'__base__': <class 'fastcore.meta.FixSigMeta'>, '__class__': <class 'type'>}

NewChkMeta's namespace are:
mappingproxy({'__call__': <function NewChkMeta.__call__>,
              '__doc__': 'Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to '
              '__module__': 'fastcore.meta'})

is _T a metaclass: False
is _T created by a metaclass: True
_T is created by metaclass <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>
_T.__new__ is object.__new__: True
_T.__new__ is type.__new__: False
_T.__new__: <built-in method __new__ of type object>
_T.__init__ is object.__init__: False
_T.__init__ is type.__init__: False
_T.__init__: <function _T.__init__>
_T.__call__ is object.__call__: False
_T.__call__ is type.__call__: False
_T.__call__: <bound method NewChkMeta.__call__ of <class '__main__._T'>>
_T.__class__: <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>
_T.__bases__: (<class 'object'>,)
_T.__mro__: (<class '__main__._T'>, <class 'object'>)

_T's metaclass <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>'s function members are:
{'__call__': <function NewChkMeta.__call__>,
 '__new__': <function FixSigMeta.__new__>}

_T's function members are:
{'__init__': <function _T.__init__>}

_T's method members are:

_T's class members are:
{'__class__': <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>}

_T's namespace are:
mappingproxy({'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of '_T' objects>,
              '__doc__': 'Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta',
              '__init__': <function _T.__init__>,
              '__module__': '__main__',
              '__signature__': <Signature (o=None, b=1)>,
              '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of '_T' objects>})


21:38:05.32 >>> Call to NewChkMeta.__call__ in File "/tmp/NewChkMeta.py", line 5
21:38:05.32 .......... cls = <class 'fastcore.meta._T'>
21:38:05.32 .......... x = 3
21:38:05.32 .......... args = ()
21:38:05.32 .......... kwargs = {}
21:38:05.32 .......... __class__ = <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>
21:38:05.32    5 |     def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):
21:38:05.32    6 |         if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x
21:38:05.32    7 |         res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
21:38:05.32 .............. res = <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32    8 |         return res
21:38:05.32 <<< Return value from NewChkMeta.__call__: <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32 >>> Call to NewChkMeta.__call__ in File "/tmp/NewChkMeta.py", line 5
21:38:05.32 .......... cls = <class 'fastcore.meta._T'>
21:38:05.32 .......... x = <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32 .......... args = ()
21:38:05.32 .......... kwargs = {}
21:38:05.32 .......... __class__ = <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>
21:38:05.32    5 |     def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):
21:38:05.32    6 |         if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x
21:38:05.32 <<< Return value from NewChkMeta.__call__: <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32 >>> Call to NewChkMeta.__call__ in File "/tmp/NewChkMeta.py", line 5
21:38:05.32 .......... cls = <class 'fastcore.meta._T'>
21:38:05.32 .......... x = <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32 .......... args = ()
21:38:05.32 .......... kwargs = {'b': 1}
21:38:05.32 .......... len(kwargs) = 1
21:38:05.32 .......... __class__ = <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>
21:38:05.32    5 |     def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):
21:38:05.32    6 |         if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x
21:38:05.32    7 |         res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
21:38:05.32 .............. res = <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32    8 |         return res
21:38:05.32 <<< Return value from NewChkMeta.__call__: <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32 >>> Call to NewChkMeta.__call__ in File "/tmp/NewChkMeta.py", line 5
21:38:05.32 .......... cls = <class 'fastcore.meta._T'>
21:38:05.32 .......... x = <fastcore.meta._T object>
21:38:05.32 .......... args = ()
21:38:05.32 .......... kwargs = {}
21:38:05.32 .......... __class__ = <class 'fastcore.meta.NewChkMeta'>
21:38:05.32    5 |     def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):
21:38:05.32    6 |         if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x
21:38:05.32 <<< Return value from NewChkMeta.__call__: <fastcore.meta._T object>
========================================================     Investigating NewChkMeta     ========================================================
==============================================================     on line None     ==============================================================
     with example 
class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t


fdb.docsrc(1, "NewChkMeta is a metaclass inherited from FixSigMea; it makes its own __call__; \
when its class instance, e.g., _T, create object instances (e.g, t) without args nor kwargs but only x, \
and x is an object of the instance class, then return x; otherwise, create and return a new object created by \
the instance class's super class' __call__ method with x as param; In other words, t = _T(3) will create a new obj; \
_T(t) will return t; _T(t, 1) or _T(t, b=1) will also return a new obj")
fdb.docsrc(2, "how to create a __call__ method with param cls, x, *args, **kwargs;")
fdb.docsrc(3, "how to express no args and no kwargs and x is an instance of cls?")
fdb.docsrc(4, "how to call __call__ of super class with x and consider all possible situations of args and kwargs")
========================================================     Investigating NewChkMeta     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 1     ================================================================
     with example 
class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t

print selected srcline with expands below--------
class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):                                                                                                                           (0)
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"========================================================================================(1)
NewChkMeta is a metaclass inherited from FixSigMea; it makes its own __call__; when its class instance, e.g., _T, create object instances (e.g, t) without args nor kwargs but only x, and x is an object of the instance class, then return x; otherwise, create and return a new object created by the instance class's super class' __call__ method with x as param; In other words, t = _T(3) will create a new obj; _T(t) will return t; _T(t, 1) or _T(t, b=1) will also return a new obj
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):                                                                                                         (2)
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x                                                                    (3)

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):=============================================================(0)       
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"==========================(1) # NewChkMeta is a metaclass inherited from FixSigMea; it makes its own __call__; when its class instance, e.g., _T, create object instances (e.g, t) without args nor kwargs but only x, and x is an object of the instance class, then return x; otherwise, create and return a new object created by the instance class's super class' __call__ method with x as param; In other words, t = _T(3) will create a new obj; _T(t) will return t; _T(t, 1) or _T(t, b=1) will also return a new obj; 
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):===========================================(2)       
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x======(3)       
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)==================================(4)       
        return res========================================================================(5)       
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 1 parts

========================================================     Investigating NewChkMeta     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 2     ================================================================
     with example 
class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t

print selected srcline with expands below--------
class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):                                                                                                                           (0)
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"                                                                                        (1)
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):=========================================================================================================(2)
                                                                                          how to create a __call__ method with param cls, x, *args, **kwargs;
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x                                                                    (3)
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)                                                                                                (4)

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):=============================================================(0)       
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"==========================(1) # NewChkMeta is a metaclass inherited from FixSigMea; it makes its own __call__; when its class instance, e.g., _T, create object instances (e.g, t) without args nor kwargs but only x, and x is an object of the instance class, then return x; otherwise, create and return a new object created by the instance class's super class' __call__ method with x as param; In other words, t = _T(3) will create a new obj; _T(t) will return t; _T(t, 1) or _T(t, b=1) will also return a new obj; 
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):===========================================(2) # how to create a __call__ method with param cls, x, *args, **kwargs;; 
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x======(3)       
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)==================================(4)       
        return res========================================================================(5)       
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 1 parts

========================================================     Investigating NewChkMeta     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 3     ================================================================
     with example 
class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t

print selected srcline with expands below--------
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"                                                                                        (1)
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):                                                                                                         (2)
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x====================================================================(3)
                                                                                            how to express no args and no kwargs and x is an instance of cls?
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)                                                                                                (4)
        return res                                                                                                                                      (5)

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):=============================================================(0)       
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"==========================(1) # NewChkMeta is a metaclass inherited from FixSigMea; it makes its own __call__; when its class instance, e.g., _T, create object instances (e.g, t) without args nor kwargs but only x, and x is an object of the instance class, then return x; otherwise, create and return a new object created by the instance class's super class' __call__ method with x as param; In other words, t = _T(3) will create a new obj; _T(t) will return t; _T(t, 1) or _T(t, b=1) will also return a new obj; 
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):===========================================(2) # how to create a __call__ method with param cls, x, *args, **kwargs;; 
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x======(3) # how to express no args and no kwargs and x is an instance of cls?; 
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)==================================(4)       
        return res========================================================================(5)       
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 1 parts

========================================================     Investigating NewChkMeta     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 4     ================================================================
     with example 
class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t

print selected srcline with expands below--------
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):                                                                                                         (2)
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x                                                                    (3)
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)================================================================================================(4)
                                                           how to call __call__ of super class with x and consider all possible situations of args and kwargs
        return res                                                                                                                                      (5)

Review srcode with all comments added so far======================================================================================================
class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):=============================================================(0)       
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"==========================(1) # NewChkMeta is a metaclass inherited from FixSigMea; it makes its own __call__; when its class instance, e.g., _T, create object instances (e.g, t) without args nor kwargs but only x, and x is an object of the instance class, then return x; otherwise, create and return a new object created by the instance class's super class' __call__ method with x as param; In other words, t = _T(3) will create a new obj; _T(t) will return t; _T(t, 1) or _T(t, b=1) will also return a new obj; 
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):===========================================(2) # how to create a __call__ method with param cls, x, *args, **kwargs;; 
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x======(3) # how to express no args and no kwargs and x is an instance of cls?; 
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)==================================(4) # how to call __call__ of super class with x and consider all possible situations of args and kwargs; 
        return res========================================================================(5)       
                                                                                                                                     part No.1 out of 1 parts
========================================================     Investigating NewChkMeta     ========================================================
===============================================================     on line 4     ================================================================
     with example 
class _T(metaclass=NewChkMeta):
    "Testing with metaclass NewChkMeta"
    def __init__(self, o=None, b=1):
        # if `o` is not an object without an attribute `foo`, set foo = 1
        self.foo = getattr(o,'foo',1)
        self.b = b

t = _T(3)
test_eq(t.foo,1) # 1 was not of type _T, so foo = 1

t2 = _T(t) # t2 will now reference t

test_is(t, t2) # t and t2 are the same object
t2.foo = 5 # this will also change t.foo to 5 because it is the same object
test_eq(t.foo, 5)
test_eq(t2.foo, 5)

t3 = _T(t, b=1)
assert t3 is not t

t4 = _T(t) # without any arguments the constructor will return a reference to the same object
assert t4 is t

class NewChkMeta(FixSigMeta):=============================================================(0)       
    "Metaclass to avoid recreating object passed to constructor"==========================(1) # NewChkMeta is a metaclass inherited from FixSigMea; it makes its own __call__; when its class instance, e.g., _T, create object instances (e.g, t) without args nor kwargs but only x, and x is an object of the instance class, then return x; otherwise, create and return a new object created by the instance class's super class' __call__ method with x as param; In other words, t = _T(3) will create a new obj; _T(t) will return t; _T(t, 1) or _T(t, b=1) will also return a new obj; 
    def __call__(cls, x=None, *args, **kwargs):===========================================(2) # how to create a __call__ method with param cls, x, *args, **kwargs;; 
        if not args and not kwargs and x is not None and isinstance(x,cls): return x======(3) # how to express no args and no kwargs and x is an instance of cls?; 
        res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)==================================(4) # how to call __call__ of super class with x and consider all possible situations of args and kwargs; 
        return res========================================================================(5)       